
Laboratory of Zoology

Type specimen

Chaenogobius scrobiculatus Takagi,1957 クボハゼ

Chaenogobius scrobiculatus Takagi,1957
Neotype ネオタイプ: P 11261; Onoda,Yamaguchi Pref. (山口県小野田市)

Perchiformes スズキ目, Gobiidae ハゼ科

Original description 原記載: Takagi, K. 1957. Descriptions of some new gobioid fishes of Japan, with a proposition on the sensory line system as a taxonomic character. J. Tokyo Univ. Fish., 43 (1): 97-126, Pls. 5-6. (Mar. 1957) Neotype designation ネオタイプの創設: Stevenson, D. E., 2002. Systematics and distribution of fishes of the Asian goby genera Chaenogobius and Gymnogobius (Osteichthyes: Perciformes: Gobiidae), with the description of a new species. Species Diversity, 7 (3): 251-312. (31 Aug. 2002)
